Join the Integrity Home Maintenance Program

Want to feel safe while preparing for a brighter future?front of home

Don’t risk waiting until something breaks!
Let your local trusted electrician give you year-round peace of mind. Conduct routine inspections, tests and service electrical equipment so that impending troubles can be detected and reduced, or eliminated.

Sleep well and let us secure your peace of mind!

Your electrical panel is the nerve center of your home. Everything that uses electricity draws power from its circuits, yet you might never give it a thought unless, and until, there is a problem. But when things go wrong with the nervous system, they tend to be serious.

A malfunctioning panel doesn’t just cause flickering lights or momentary inconveniences. A power surge can damage appliances, and electrical fires can be the result.

Be proactive, Take preventative care

With the Integrity Home Maintenance Program, our master technicians will inspect, clean, tighten and verify all wiring, circuit connections, and operational aspects of your electrical panel to keep you and your loved ones safe, secure, and uninterrupted.

Get your house up to code and keep it there.

Plan Ahead to Stay Ahead! Why do you need maintenance?

Electrical Panels face common issues of corrosion, overcrowding, and loose connections.

  • Panels are recommended to be cleaned and checked on a yearly basis to ensure they are maintained and wired properly.
  • Loose connections can be deadly and cause electric shocks or fires.
  • 80% of homes we go to are not grounded properly, which can cause surging and other electrical problems.
    • We will check your electrical grounding system and make sure it is up to code.

GFCIs are an essential safety feature of your home.

  • They are intended to protect you and your loved ones from a potential shock, where water is present.
  • If they are not working properly, it could result in a shock, or potentially a spark or fire.
  • So, they need to be tested monthly to ensure your safety, and replaced when not working.
  • We will properly test them on our visit every 6 months and make recommendations as needed.

Smoke Detectors are the most important part of your family’s safety.

  • Manufacturers recommend that you test your detectors on a monthly basis and replace them every 7 years.
  • Integrity will test and clean your smoke detectors every 6 months, and recommend when needed to be replaced.

A quick response to fires can help save lives and property.

copper wiring fuse panelWhy be Preventative?

Anticipate your needs before they become a problem
Get ahead of major issues
Identify potential threats
Receive proactive recommendations to keep your home safe

The Integrity Home Maintenance program saves you both time AND money in the long run. Most importantly, it keeps your home safe and operational with routine inspections, tests, and servicing.

Call Today to Get Your Home Maintenance Program.
Let us secure your peace of mind.
kitchen lighting

What can you expect?

  • 2 visits over the year
  • Priority Scheduling

They will assess and inspect:

  • Electrical Panel
    • Cleaned, tightened & inspected
    • Check circuit breaker connections
    • Check voltage
    • Check lugs on main and sub panels
  • Check if electrical panel is grounded properly.
  • Visual check of basement/crawl space & attic
  • Test & inspect smoke detectors (check to make sure they are working properly and in warrantee)
  • Analyze to make sure up to codes for GFCI’s. This includes locating them & educate you on how your GFCI system is configured in your home.
  • Check heating and air conditioning disconnects
  • Visually inspect Pool equipment & any other outdoor electrical equipment
  • Asses if surge protector needed
  • Check for excesses dirt, water, cracks or rusting in all electrical equipment

**Our expert technicians will evaluate the condition of your equipment and provide you with the best available options to repair and keep up to code. And we will follow up with a detailed report and estimate to make any repairs or with any violations that might be found

Impending troubles can be detected and eliminated. Let our professionals keep your electrical system working properly, efficiently, and up to code.

Be sure to check out other services that we offer, including a Generator Maintenance Program, as well as installing Generators and EV Chargers.